Cooling bath circulators
Huber Ministats are the smallest cooling circulators in the world. Their small dimensions allow Ministats to be placed in the smallest of spaces, for example in a laboratory fume cupboard or inside technical plant. Despite their minimal size the systems are extensively fitted out and offer sufficient performance for temperature control of photometers, refractometers, viscometers, distillation apparatus, reaction vessels and mini-plants. The main applications are using external applications, however the bath opening does allow objects to be thermoregulated directly in a thermostat bath.
A powerful pressure/suction pump with an infinitely controlled rotational speed ensures optimal circulation. The maximum pressure can also be regulated by an optional pressure sensor, meaning that sensitive glass reactors and apparatus can reliably be protected from breakage. Additionally, Ministats offer the Pilot ONE controller as standard with a colour TFT display and comfortable operator guidance. Analogue connections according to NAMUR are available via the optional Com.G@te module allowing Ministats to integrate into plant and process control systems.
Compatible Control
Refrigeration bath circulators are suitable for controlling the temperature of externally connected applications and thermoregulation of objects directly in the thermostat bath. Typical applications are: photometers, refractometers, viscometers, double-jacketed reaction vessels and autoclaves. The units can be used in mini-plants and kilo laboratories, for determining the freezing point, for deep temperature calibration, for petroleum tests, for temperature control of measuring devices and experimental setups as well as for materials testing and quality control.
Depending on the model, the equipment is able to meet the highest demands; this is ensured by the professional range of functions available on the Pilot ONE controller, such as a colour TFT display, programmer, Pt100 external probe connection, calibration, calendar/clock functions, autostart, RS232 interface as well as extensive safety and warning functions. One further plus is the electronic upgrade for function extensions using a unit specific e-grade code. This activates additional functions such as the programmer, TAC cascade controlling, temperature ramps, user menus, calendar start, graphic display and process control. The units are made from high quality stainless steel and have a thermoregulated cover plate to avoid condensation and build up of ice. The bath vessel has a volume of 5 litres and can be emptied via the drain fitting over the front.